Not a big update this week, with ⚡ Shockk prepping for their holidays and an increase in client work for myself we’ve not had a lot of time to put into development.
What I have done is a bit of work finishing the porting of the design doc from Google Docs over to here.
This has included adding two new ship concepts and tidying up the weapons and utilities page, and changing some of the fluff and “technical” stuff to make the universe more unique and believable.
🐰 The Rabbit has been working on ship concept models to replace the current stock model we use for internal testing, she has also been concepting level designs. Going to keep them under our hats for just now though, we’ll surprise you with them when they’re closer to being completed.
The team has also been discussing proposals for sound-design and future game-modes to provide the feeling of a dynamic and expanding world, as well as giving you (the player) a lot to experience.
Once again, keeping this under our collective hat for just now whilst we flesh them out a bit.
See You Next Week!
-🦊 The Fox, Project Manager